Relations of James & Teresa Schoenberger


William Andress

William was killed by a falling tree during a land clearing bee and theplanned square dance became his wake.

Upper Canada land minutes & Records (R.G.1, L4 vol 9 page 165) LunenburgDistrict Minutes 1789-1792 - Received a petition from William Andresspraying for 100 acres of land. He informs the Board that he received 100ac. on which he has made considerable improvements. The Board uponbeing certified of htis aplicant's good character do therefore order thatthe receive 100 ac. of land as prayed for. Matilda tsp. Oct 6, 1790.i.e. he wa a "late loyalist" He signed the application in a good handand spelled his name William Andress. the land referred to is the easthalf of lot 19 con 2 tsp of Yonge. William received an official copy ofhis crown deed 13 Sep 1804 (see Leavitt: History of Leeds and Granvillepage 141) John Kincaid took over from the Widow Andress 12 Oct 1839. Mythird cousin Ethel N. Williams was still there in 1984 to represent theoriginal family. (per Gerald Andress, Welling, Ont. Can.)

Some records were lost in the fire of 28 April 1777 when the townhall inDanbury, Conn. burned during the Rev. War battle. Fortunately Stephen'sbaptismal record was found. There was more than one Ebanezer with a sonnamed Stephen.

Oral tradition: The amily came by boat from East Fairfield up the Hudsonsystem and walked from Plattsburg to Ogdensburg to Andressburg.

The members of the Leeds and Grenville branch of the Ontario GeneologicalSociety have been out mapping, numbering on a plot and recording theinscriptions on the tombstones. Since this is a help to people doingrelated families, it is included to help draw attention.


David M. Andress

Farmer near Windsor, Ont.

Stephen Andress

This man and his family moved from Connecticut to Upper Canada.
Possibly information on his wife's grave marker only said, Sarah.

Jonathon Andress

He served 90 days in Connecticut Militia. His mother persuaded him not to
go back as he had a bronchial infection. -- So he's still AWOL.

Peter Mallory

Died Soon

William Andress

Gerald Andress's father was at William's funeral and stated he was 104years old. That doesn't quite agree with his wife's Bible records