Twin sister of Catherine Rombs.
Conflicting Dates:
1836 (Doll Chronicle)
1837 (GRHS Pedigree Chart)
Conflicting palces of birth:
Lehningen, Baden, Germany (Doll Chronicle)
Neuhausen, Baden, Germany (GRHS family pedigree chart)
Possible parents for Elisabeth Klien from the IGI (more information needed):
Husband's Name
Georg KLEIN (AFN:13LP-GTK) PedigreeBorn: 1783 Place: Elsenz, Baden
Married: 1809 Place: Elsenz, BadenWife's Name
Mrs. Georg KLEIN (AFN:13LP-GVR) PedigreeBorn: 1787 Place: Elsenz, Baden
Married: 1809 Place: Elsenz, Baden
Conflicting palces of birth:
Lehningen, Baden, Germany (Doll Chronicle)
Neuhausen, Baden, Germany (GRHS family pedigree chart)
There are conflicting sources as to whether Barbara Hunkele or Antonia Voltz is the first wife of Johannes Doll and the mother of Theresia, Konrad, Simon, Paulina and Ferdinand Doll.
Georg Klein & Eva Elisabeth Hermann are probably not Elisabeth Klein's (1810) parents as the dates in Conrad Keller's book would not match.
There are conflicting sources as to whether Barbara Hunkele or Antonia Voltz is the first wife of Johannes Doll and the mother of Theresia, Konrad, Simon, Paulina and Ferdinand Doll.