Relations of James & Teresa Schoenberger


John Kelly

Conflicting Dates & Places of Birth:

World Family Tree Vol. 115 lists birth:
1838 in Ireland

1881 Canadian Census lists birth:
1839 in Ireland

1901 Canadian Census lists birth:
Jan 6 1839 in rural Ontario

Sarah Jane Commerton

I went to the Church of the Annunciation Cemetery in Chippewa and foundthe headstone and it has Sarah 's last name spelled Comerton. What iscorrect spelling??

Conflicting Dates & Places of Birth:

World Family Tree Vol. 115 lists birth:
1854 in Ireland

1881 Canadian Census lists birth:
1853/1854 in Ontario

1901 Canadian Census lists birth:
May 26 1853 in rural Ontario

Possible burial info from Ontario Cemetery Finding Aid:
Surname Given Name Cemetery County Township Reference
KELLY Sarah Church of the Annunciation / Chippewa / Carmanvill Frontenac Portland KG-1294

Rose Kelly


Lauretta Jane Kelly

Buried in St. Mary's Cemetery in front of Big Cross in the Nun Section

Michael Kelly

Possible Information from 1881 Census:
Name Marital Status Gender Age Birthplace Occupation
Micheal KELLY M Male 60 Ireland Farmer
Mary KELLY M Female 50 Ireland
Michal KELLY JR Male 24 O <Ontario> Farmer
Margret KELLY Female 22 O <Ontario>
Rosann KELLY Female 17 O <Ontario>

Census Place Bedford, Addington, Ontario
Family History Library Film 1375872
District 118
Sub-district J
Page Number 41
Household Number 173

Possible information from 1901 Census:
34 63 Kelly Michael M Head M 1811
35 63 Kelly Mary F Wife M 1820
36 63 Kelly Rose F Daughter S 1870

District: ON ADDINGTON (#43)
Subdistrict: Bedford C-4 Page 6

Mary Nowlan

Possible Information from 1881 Census:
Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion
James KELLEY Male Irish 26 Ontario Farmer Catholic
Mary KELLEY W Female Irish 68 Ireland --- Catholic
Margeret KELLEY Female Irish 28 Ontario --- Catholic

Source Information:
Census Place Portland, Addington, Ontario
Family History Library Film 1375872
NA Film Number C-13236
District 118
Sub-district B
Page Number 67
Household Number 377