Judy Meeks [Parents]
She had the following children:
M i Patrick Macdonald
Alex Boos [Parents] was born 1 in Russia. He died 2 in 1974. He married 3 Margaret Graff in 1920.
Margaret Graff died 1 in 1979. She married 2 Alex Boos in 1920.
Margaret Hopkins [Parents]
They had the following children:
F i Rhonda Lind F ii Dana Lind M iii Brian Lind
Rhonda Lind [Parents]
Cornelius Boos [Parents] "Corn" 1 was born 2, 3 on 19 May 1919 in Friedenstal, Alberta, Canada. He died 4 on 6 Dec 1996 in Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada. He was buried 5 on 12 Dec 1996 in Notikewin, Alberta, Canada. He married 6, 7 Marjorie Jeanne Brick on 26 Jul 1948 in Manning, Alberta, Canada. Cornelius joined religion 8 in Catholic. He was employed 9 as in Storekeeper\Chaplain.
Marjorie Jeanne Brick [Parents] 1, 2 was born 3 on 18 Jun 1925 in Peace River, Alberta, Canada. She died 4, 5 on 6 Nov 1970 in Manning, Alberta, Canada. She was buried 6 on 10 Nov 1970 in Notikewin, Alberta, Canada. She married 7, 8 Cornelius Boos on 26 Jul 1948 in Manning, Alberta, Canada. Marjorie was employed 9 as in Storekeeper. She joined religion 11 in Catholic.
They had the following children:
F i Kathryn Boos F ii Linda Boos F iii Margaret Boos M iv David Boos F v Jeannette Boos F vi Susan Boos M vii Douglas Boos F viii Nancy Boos
Jim Hopkins [Parents]
Linda Boos [Parents]
They had the following children:
F i Amy Hopkins F ii Marjorie Hopkins M iii David Hopkins F iv Sheila Hopkins
Fred Brick 1.Fred married Ellen.
Ellen 1.Ellen married Fred Brick.
They had the following children:
F i Marjorie Jeanne Brick
Alexander Boos 1.Alexander married Mabel Dechant.
Mabel Dechant [Parents] was born 1 in 1872. She married Alexander Boos.
Bernadette Russnak [Parents]
Barbara Russnak [Parents]
They had the following children:
F i Rosalyn Gurtler F ii Janelle Gurtler F iii Christa Gurtler