Wilhelm Doll [Parents] [image] 1 was born 2, 3, 4 on 13 Jan 1862 in Sebastiansfeld, Tiligulo-Beresan, Odessa, Russia. He died 5, 6, 7 on 6 Sep 1924 in Friedenstal, Alberta, Canada. He was buried 8 in Friedenstal, Alberta, Canada. He married 9 Marianna Hoffmann about 1884 in Sebastianfeld, Russia.
Marianna Hoffmann [Parents] [image] 1 was born 2, 3, 4 on 15 Oct 1864 in Halbstadt, Beresan-Petrovka, Odessa, Russia. She died 5, 6, 7 on 14 Nov 1941 in Friedenstal, Alberta, Canada. She was buried 8 in Friedenstal, Alberta, Canada. She married 9 Wilhelm Doll about 1884 in Sebastianfeld, Russia.
They had the following children:
M i Joseph Doll F ii Eva Doll M iii Franz Doll F iv Monika Doll M v Liberatus Doll M vi Anton Doll M vii Sigfried William Doll F viii Agnes Doll
John Balthaser Rombs [Parents] [image] 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5, 6 on 18 Jun 1880 in Blumenfeld, Nikolayev, Russia. He died 7, 8 on 30 Jan 1953 in Alberta, Canada. He was buried 9 in Friedenstal, Alberta, Canada. He married 10, 11, 12 Barbara Wagner on 15 Jan 1902 in Grimes, Texas, USA. John immigrated 13 in 1884 to Texas, USA. He immigrated 14 in 1910 to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. He moved 15 before 1910 to Billings, Montana, USA. He was employed 16 as Farmer in Friedenstal, Alberta, Canada. He moved 17 on 28 Feb 1914 to Friedenstal, Alberta, Canada.
Barbara Wagner [Parents] [image] 1 was born 2, 3, 4 on 21 Apr 1882 in Munchen, Russia. She died 5, 6 on 13 May 1974 in Whitelaw, Alberta, Canada. She was buried 7 in Friedenstal, Alberta, Canada. She married 8, 9, 10 John Balthaser Rombs on 15 Jan 1902 in Grimes, Texas, USA. Barbara immigrated 11 in 1899 to Texas, USA. She immigrated 12 in 1910 to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. She moved 13 before 1910 to Billings, Montana, USA. She moved 14 on 28 Feb 1914 to Friedenstal, Alberta, Canada.
They had the following children:
M i Rombs was born 1 about 1903 in Texas, USA. He died 2 about 1903 in Texas, USA. F ii Magdalena Rombs M iii Frank Jacob Rombs F iv Helen Rombs U v Rombs was born 1 about 1910 in Billings, Montana, USA. Rombs died 2 about 1910 in Billings, Montana, USA. F vi Annie Rombs F vii Catherine Rombs "Katie" was born 1 in Alberta, Canada. M viii John F. Rombs was born 1, 2 in 1920 in Alberta, Canada. He died 3 in 1976. He was buried 4 in Friedenstal, Alberta, Canada. F ix Wilhelmine Rombs was born 1 in Alberta, Canada. [Notes] F x Josephine Rombs
Markus Doll [Parents] 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5 in 1836 in Katharinental, Beresan District, Odessa, Russia. He died 6 on 27 Apr 1921 in Sebastianfeld, Odessa, Russia. He married Clara Zentner.
Clara Zentner [Parents] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 was born 7, 8 in 1841 in Katharinental, Beresan District, Odessa, Russia. She died 9 on 14 Mar 1884. She married Markus Doll.
They had the following children:
M i Wilhelm Doll M ii Adam Doll M iii Siegfried Doll was born 1 in 1873 in Sebastianfeld, Russia. M iv Franz Xavier Doll F v Anna Doll
Paul Hoffman [Parents] 1, 2 was born 3 in 1836 in Karlsruhe, Ukraine, USSR. He married Margaretha Gerber.
Margaretha Gerber 1.Margaretha married Paul Hoffman.
They had the following children:
F i Marianna Hoffmann
Konrad Doll [Parents] 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5, 6 on 24 Nov 1806 in Lehningen, Enzkreis, Baden, Germany. He died 7 after 1845 in Katharinental, Beresan District, Odessa, Russia. He married 8 Elisabeth Klein in 1831 in Neuhausen, Baden, Germany.
Other marriages:, Karolina
Elisabeth Klein [Parents] 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5, 6, 7 in Jan 1810 in Elsenz, Baden, Germany. She died 8 in 1855 in Katharinental, Beresan District, Odessa, Russia. She married 9 Konrad Doll in 1831 in Neuhausen, Baden, Germany.
They had the following children:
M i Franz Doll M ii Georg Doll M iii Markus Doll M iv Peter Doll M v Jakob Doll M vi Anton Doll M vii Joseph Doll
Konrad Doll [Parents] 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5, 6 on 24 Nov 1806 in Lehningen, Enzkreis, Baden, Germany. He died 7 after 1845 in Katharinental, Beresan District, Odessa, Russia. He married Karolina.
Other marriages:Klein, Elisabeth
Karolina died 1 in 1813. She married Konrad Doll.
Johannes Leonardus Doll [Parents] 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5 on 24 Jan 1782 in Neuhausen, Baden, Germany. He died 6 in 1840 in Katharinental, Beresan District, Odessa, Russia. He married Maria Barbara Hunkel. Johannes immigrated 7 in 1809 to Russia.
Other marriages:Volz, Antonia
Maria Barbara Hunkel [Parents] 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5, 6 on 2 Oct 1782 in Neuhausen, Baden, Germany. She married Johannes Leonardus Doll.
They had the following children:
F i Theresia Doll M ii Konrad Doll M iii Simon Doll F iv Paulina Doll M v Ferdinand Doll was born 1 on 10 Oct 1814.
Georg Klein [Parents] 1 was born in 1788 in Kirchardt, Elsenz, Baden, Germany. He died in 1821. He married Eva Elisabeth Hermann.
Eva Elisabeth Hermann [Parents] was born in 1792 in Kirchardt, Elsenz, Baden, Germany. She died in 1834. She married Georg Klein.
They had the following children:
F i Elisabeth Klein
Johannes Leonardus Doll [Parents] 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5 on 24 Jan 1782 in Neuhausen, Baden, Germany. He died 6 in 1840 in Katharinental, Beresan District, Odessa, Russia. He married 7 Antonia Volz after 1817. Johannes immigrated 8 in 1809 to Russia.
Other marriages:Hunkel, Maria Barbara
Antonia Volz 1 was born 2 in 1771 in Katharinental, Beresan District, Odessa, Russia. She died 3 in 1861 in Katharinental, Beresan District, Odessa, Russia. She married 4 Johannes Leonardus Doll after 1817.
Nikolaus Doll [Parents] was born 1, 2, 3 on 6 Oct 1755 in Neuhausen,Enzkreis,Baden,Germany. He married 4, 5 Johanna Leicht on 8 Oct 1776 in Lehningen, Baden, Germany.
Johanna Leicht [Parents] 1, 2 was born 3 in Neuhausen, Baden, Germany. She married 4, 5 Nikolaus Doll on 8 Oct 1776 in Lehningen, Baden, Germany.
They had the following children:
M i Johannes Nicolus Doll was born 1 in Nov 1777. M ii Johannes Leonardus Doll