1Battle River Historical Society, Saga of Battle River: we came ... we stayed, Copyright (c) 1986, 152, James Schoenberger, Alberta, Canada.
2Wayne and Donna Schultz, Doll Chronicle: Friday July 21, 2000, A family tree and history newspaper compiled for the Doll family reunion in the year 2000 by the Fairview Post., 9, James Schoenberger, Alberta, Canada.
3Alberta Genealogial Society, Grimshaw Manning Paddle Praire Area Index of Grave Markers and Burial Records, Copyright 1996 ISBN 1-55194-018-3, 3, Provincial Archives of Alberta, 8555 Roper Road, Edmonton, AB T6E 5W1.
4Wayne and Donna Schultz, Doll Chronicle: Friday July 21, 2000, 9.
5Alberta Genealogial Society, Grimshaw Manning Paddle Praire Area Index of Grave Markers and Burial Records, 3.