Relations of James & Teresa Schoenberger


Joseph Dechant

1Waterhole Old Timers Association, WATERHOLE and the Land North of the Peace, Published 1970, 71, James Schoenberger, Alberta, Canada.

2James Gregory Schoenberger, Personal Knowledge of James Schoenberger.
Information is taken from tomb stone in Friedenstal graveyard.

3Waterhole Old Timers Association, WATERHOLE and the Land North of the Peace, 72.

4James Gregory Schoenberger, Personal Knowledge of James Schoenberger.
Information is taken from tomb stone in Friedenstal graveyard.

5James Gregory Schoenberger, Personal Knowledge of James Schoenberger.
Information is taken from tomb stone in Friedenstal graveyard.

6Waterhole Old Timers Association, WATERHOLE and the Land North of the Peace, 72.

7Government of Canada, Report of the Naturalization Branch, Sessional Paper No. 29 / Line 1213.

Francis Malsom

1Waterhole Old Timers Association, WATERHOLE and the Land North of the Peace, Published 1970, 72, James Schoenberger, Alberta, Canada.

2Waterhole Old Timers Association, WATERHOLE and the Land North of the Peace, 72.

Paul Dechant

1Waterhole Old Timers Association, WATERHOLE and the Land North of the Peace, Published 1970, 71, James Schoenberger, Alberta, Canada.

2James Gregory Schoenberger, Personal Knowledge of James Schoenberger.
Information is taken from tomb stone in Friedenstal graveyard.

3James Gregory Schoenberger, Personal Knowledge of James Schoenberger.
Information is taken from tomb stone in Friedenstal graveyard.

4James Gregory Schoenberger, Personal Knowledge of James Schoenberger.
Information is taken from tomb stone in Friedenstal graveyard.

5Waterhole Old Timers Association, WATERHOLE and the Land North of the Peace, 72.

6Government of Canada, Report of the Naturalization Branch, Sessional Paper No. 29 / Line 1213.

Katherine Rose Reichert

1Waterhole Old Timers Association, WATERHOLE and the Land North of the Peace, Published 1970, 72, James Schoenberger, Alberta, Canada.

2James Gregory Schoenberger, Personal Knowledge of James Schoenberger.
Information is taken from tomb stone in Friedenstal graveyard.

3James Gregory Schoenberger, Personal Knowledge of James Schoenberger.
Information is taken from tomb stone in Friedenstal graveyard.

4Karen Zetaruk, E-mail message from Karen Zetaruk.

5James Gregory Schoenberger, Personal Knowledge of James Schoenberger.
Information is taken from tomb stone in Friedenstal graveyard.

6Waterhole Old Timers Association, WATERHOLE and the Land North of the Peace, 72.